I. Download and unzip the JustAjax Table trial package.
II. Run sample.html with your browser. Javascript Ajax Grid will load data from remote MySQL table using http://justajax.com/data/demo/index.php as a server side script.
How to View ANY of Your MySQL Table with JustAjax Table?
It's easy!
For example, you have MySQL database "my_base" with table "my_table"
and the domain "mydomain.com" on your server.
1. Find /server/index.php in unzipped Javascript Ajax Grid trial package and edit:
$_db = array (
'host' => 'localhost',
'user' => 'my_user',
'password' => 'my_password',
'database' => 'my_base'
// permitted tables
$poss_tables = array(
'my_table' => array(
//parameters for 'my_table'
'hidden_columns' => array('hidden_column'),
'editable' => true,
'disrows' => array('authors_id'),
'filter' => true,
'adding' => true,
'deleting' => true
'table_1' => array()
The description of parameters:
'my_table', 'table_1' - table's names;
'hidden_columns' - array with hidden fields;
'editable' - opportunity to edit the table.
( true - editing is possible, false - editing is forbidden).
Default value: false;
'disrows' - array of the fields forbidden for editing;
'filter' - enable/disable use of the filter.
Default value: true;
'adding' - enable/disable addition of new records.
Default value: false;
'deleting' - enable/disable deletion of records.
Default value: false;
2. Upload "server" directory from Javascript Ajax Grid trial package to your server, for example to http://mydomain.com/server/, so the url to index.php will be http://mydomain.com/server/index.php
3. Edit the following part of sample.html:
window.onload = function(){
var _table = new justAjaxTable( {
'main' : document.getElementById('table-area'),
'dbtable' : 'my_table',
'url' : 'http://mydomain.com/server/index.php'} );
'my_table' is a name of your table and
'http://mydomain.com/server/index.php' is a url of your uploaded
server-side php script.
4. Open sample.html with your browser. That's it!
Javascript Ajax Grid will enable you to view, edit, sort, scroll, and
filter your table w/o any additional line of code!